

Hi World

Hi ..
Welcome to Ichinogami's Blog. Ichinogami is a term used in Japan for paper craft. Ichinogami has been known since ancient times. You must already know my oldest brother, the Origami, the art of paper folding without-glue-without-scissors. But my brother was born in the China and raised in Japan, while I was born and developed in the continent asia-europe.
I was quite popular after World War II, when many people are impressed with the form and history of the weapons of war such as tanks, aircraft, battleships, and other war equipment.

After that, I developed again into many shapes such as construction, automotive, character, until the other models. I've grown rapidly from the early 1990's in Japan and Europe. In South-east Asia country such as Indonesia, some have been introduced in the 1990s by local media.

In early 2000, several large companies began to use me as a part of their promotion strategy. The company provides paper-design associated with their products for free on the internet. This method is considered successful enough to promote and also to introduce myself to the world. Lucky, with more and more people who know me, now I can step further than a hobby of people who spend time alone.

Now you can use me to almost anything. Starting from gift, souvenir, collection materials, making reference model, a memento, until to be able to form early childhood creativity.

So this is my introduction. We'll chat some more if you want to know more about me or even wanted to use me for anything else.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog ya UF for beginner, tapi tolong dong kasih shout box, nanti deh triknya saya kasih tahu di ICT
